If you have ever struggled to be in the company of others, or have felt out of place in your family you are not alone, group therapy can be really helpful to develop a sense of belonging. We start off with some individual work in preparation for moving into a psychotherapy group. The group provides a space to build up and develop new relationships with people. The Northern Irish phrase of becoming ‘ more like yourself ‘ is apt.
I will meet with you several times after the initial consultation in preparation for joining the group, whilst the group also prepares to meet with you. You may feel anxious to start with because you are meeting strangers, but the beauty of meeting strangers is they are not your family.
The recommendation would be to join the group for a year, but expect to stay for longer. At first, a year can feel like a long time, but once you get to the six-month point, you think, oh my goodness, the time has really flown by, groups are open-ended so people can stay for longer. To leave the group, please give one month’s notice as endings are a key part of the therapeutic journey.